Gender and Social Development


Built on the interpretation of the strategic intentions of Vision 2030,


A society where women and men, boys and girls enjoy a high quality of life vision.


To promote, coordinate, monitor and evaluate gender equality, women’s empowerment and social development as an integral part of national development.

Similarly, the Kisii County Governor’s vision is a peaceful society nurtured by virtues of diligence, integrity respect and honor where every child has access to quality education and healthcare and every school leaver  and adult are guaranteed gainful employment, social protection and social healthcare. It is also noted that the position of women is precarious  as they have  in the past been sidelined in our development agenda.

The Governor also recognizes the marginalization of Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) and pledges to support them to play their part in development through the provision of grants and the cash transfer programme.


Gender mainstreaming

- Mainstreaming gender issues  and empowerment of women.
- Promotion of women rights economic empowerment
- Reduction of Gender Based Violence and abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Social Development

This the process of mobilizing and organizing the efforts and activities of vulnerable and marginalised individuals/ families and/or communities to improve their quality of life through equitable access to resources and opportunities. The department through its interventions aims at empowering such groups by increasing their capacities for self management.

Also referred to as community development.

- Empower individuals and communities

- Social economic empowerment of vulnerable individuals and groups.

Programs in Social Development:

  • Registration of self-help groups- (youth groups, women groups and unisex groups).
  • Disbursement of government grants to self-help groups.

Capacity building community groups.

  • The grants are disbursed through the DGSDOs and AIEs are processed through the district treasuries.

Social Welfare

This is the process of helping vulnerable members of society to cope with their social –economic vulnabilities.

      Programmes in Social Welfare

  • Social protection programmes: Flagship projects
  • Cash Transfer to Older persons . – Ksh. 2000/ per person per month paid bimonthly.
  • Cash Transfer to Persons Living with Disabilities.- Ksh. 2000/ per person per month paid bimonthly.
  • Supply of sun screen lotion to Persons Living with Albinism (PLWAs) – (under process/ not started)

The stipends to the older persons and persons with severe disabilities are paid to the beneficiaries through Postal Corporation of Kenya  (Post offices) in the county

The above full time programmes are run by District Gender and Social Development Officers (DGSDOs) in- post in the sub-counties who do programme awareness creation, beneficiary targeting and liaison with Post Masters to ensure only genuine beneficiaries are paid.

The department has six members of staff. The director and five sub county officers


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