The industrialization sector was established to foster Industrialization strategies and policy formulations to enable Kenya become Industrialized by the year 2030.It is mandated to create an enabling environment to facilitate Industrial Development to transform Kenya into an industrialized middle income state by 2030.
To be a leader in catalyzing a diversified, globally competitive and sustainable Industrial sector in Kenya.
To facilitate an expanding, globally competitive and innovative Industrial sector by creating and enabling environment.
Strategic Objectives
- To build capacity for industrial development and quality services delivery.
- To establish policy, legal and institutional framework for industrialization,
- To attract local and foreign industrial investments,
- To promote the development of Micro, Small and Medium Industries and
- To promote Research & Development Development, innovation and technology adoption.
Our Function
- Formulation, co-ordination, and implementation of the National Industrialization policy
- Industrial Property Rights Policy for the protection and use of industrial property,
- Facilitation of the development and enforcement of quality standards,
- Provision of an enabling environment for domestic and foreign direct investments,
- Promotion of the development of industrial tooling and machining,
- Facilitation of the development of technical, entrepreneurial and managerial skills for the industrial sector and
- Arbitration and settlement of Industrial Property Rights Dispute.
- Promotion of Industrial Research and Development, Innovation, and Technology Transfer,
- Creation and Promotion of market linkages for Micro, Small and medium Industries(MSMIs)and
- Facilitation of access to short, medium and long-term financing for MSMIs.