The Department is mandated to provide for the exploration, exploitation, utilization, management development and conservation of fisheries resources and undertake research in marine and fresh water fisheries
The Department plays a key role within the overall structure of government. According to the Executive order No: 2/ 2013 issued in 20th May, 2013 on the organisation of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the State Department has the following core functions;
The Department’s specific functions as informed by the above order are:
- Promote and coordinate development of aquaculture
- Coordination of the preparation, review and implementation of fisheries policies, legislation and County specific Fisheries management plans
- Coordinate the management and development of inland fisheries.
- County fish seed bulking units
- Promotion of fish quality assurance, value addition and marketing
- Promote and strengthen fisheries extension services.
- Provision of extension services to the fisheries stakeholders in the value chain.
- Fisheries licensing.
- Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of fisheries projects and programmes.
- Management of fisheries related infrastructure(e.g cold chain facilities along the fish value chain, fish roads and fish landing receptors
- Enforcement of fisheries regulations and compliance
- Digitization and demarcation and development of maps for cage culture potential areas
- Recreational Fisheries
- On farm trials and Outreach - eat more fish campaigns
- Zonation for aquaculture County specific disease control
Departmental Downloads
Fisheries Act Revised Edition 2012
National Aquaculture Strategy and Development Plan 2010 - 2015
National Aquaculture Policy November 2011
A Guide to Fish Farming in Kenya