Headed by: Mr. Elijah Okemwa Obwori - CEC
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, clearly outlines the functions of the county Government under the Fourth Schedule, part 2. One of the key functions of the County government outlined is Pre-Primary, Village Polytechnics, Home craft centers and Childcare facilities.
The core function of this department focuses on the young and youthful citizens of this county. This specifically includes their welfare which comprises of their education, employment, personal health and self-reliance. Kisii County, through this department sector has put in place elaborate strategies whose intentions are to educate, train and empower the youth who play a critical role in the development of the county.
With the promulgation of new constitution, two levels of governments were created which are interdependent on one another. The two governments work for the same goal of improving the lives of their citizens. The devolved powers bring the services and governance closer to the people.
In this regard one of the objectives of devolution is to give powers of self-governance to the people, enhance the participation of the people in making decisions affecting them and manage their own affairs to further their development.
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