The Water and sanitation is fully devolved to the county government under the docket of Energy, Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
The department's mandates and functions have been specified under the Presidential Circular Number 1 of May 2013: as well as under the Water Act of 2002. They cover the following areas:
i. Management of water resources,
ii. Provision of water services
iii. Provision water storage services
iv. Land reclamation services.
v. Capacity building for the institutions
Functions in the County
Functions include;
1. Water Resources Management Policy
2. Water and Sewerage Services Policy
3. Water Quality and Pollution Control
4. Dam Construction Schemes
6. Waste Water Treatment and Disposal Policy
7. Water Resources Management Authority
8. Water Services Boards
9. Water Services Trust Fund
10. Public Water Schemes and Community Water Projects5
The different functions of the department are carried out under Administration and Support Services, Water Services, Water Resources Management, and Water Storage.
The specific functions for each of the departments are as outlined below:
Administration and Support Services
Provision of support and other cross cutting services in Administration; Planning; Finance, Procurement; Accounts; Internal Audit, Human Resources Management and Development; Information and Communication, Donor Coordination, ICT, Data and Information Management ;
Water Services
• Development and review of water and sanitation services
• Coordination of water supply and sewerage activities to both urban and rural areas and
• Monitoring the performance of all Water Services Boards.
Water Resources Management
Water Resources department will ensure that water resources are conserved, preserved, protected and availed in such quality and quantity to sustain the various national demands.
• To ensure Rational and equitable allocation of water resources
• Formulation of national Water Resources Strategy and Enforcement of Water Act 2002 and Water Resources Management Rules
• Policy formulation and giving Policy direction from time to time
• Mapping and publishing of key water catchment areas, groundwater resources and flood prone areas
• Water quality testing and Surveillance to ensure compliance with drinking water standards
• Resource mobilization for the management, preservation, conservation, protection and allocation
• Water Resources Database Organization and dissemination
• Land Reclamation • Development of appropriate policies, guidelines and legislation.
• Promotion of rain water harvesting, water storage and environmental conservation in the ASALs and waste lands.
• Development of Water harvesting and storage Infrastructure,
To facilitate equitable access and sustainable management of water resources for County development
To be a regional leader in the management and development of sustainable water resource environment in which water is adequate, reliable and accessible by all
Core Values
The values that will guide the operations of the department during the Plan period will be:
♦ Service
♦ Equity and Inclusiveness
♦ Environmental Sensitivity
♦ Partnership and Team Spirit
♦ Integrity
Moreover, these values will be best remembered by the mnemonic, SEEPI
Plan Motto:
The water Department recognizes that many citizens in the county still have problems in accessing water. We believe that all Kenyans should access quality water for all purposes. We shall energize our people, partners through our motto taking into consideration our core values of Equity and Inclusiveness.
Our motto shall be: Water for all
Strategic Direction
In line with Government's Development Agenda, the department’s Strategic Plan is anchored on Vision 2030 and therefore its strategic direction over the MTP period has been aligned with the programs, projects, and reforms in the MTP that relate to water. The thrust of the department’s programs over the Plan period also take into account the department’s priorities.
Goals and Strategic Objectives
The goals and objectives that the department’s will seek to achieve and the strategies for doing so over the Plan period are as outlined below
To develop and operationalise an M & E system for effective sector coordination. A reliable system-wide performance reporting and successful achievement of plans accompanied by high levels of compliance with Vision 2030 Institutionalized capability for continuous improvement in the department for enhanced service delivery
- To provide policy direction and effective supervision for the water sector by putting in place mechanisms for continuous development and review of policies
- To provide an enabling environment for sustainable management of National and trans-boundary water resources
- Enhanced Guidance for effective and sustainable resource utilization in the Sector
- To formulate more effective legislation, policy and strategies for targeted interventions
- To develop water harvesting policies, guidelines and legislations
- To develop and sustain equity and inclusiveness in all the departments operations and services
- Mainstream cross cutting issues in all the department’s operations
- Attain and maintain institutional financial adequacy and sustainability
- To mobilise adequate funding for investment on water infrastructure (water, sewerage and storage)
Water resources information management
• Rehabilitation and acquisition of new hydro-metric which will be installed in strategic and vulnerable water resources (surface and groundwater) county-wide, and be linked to World Hydrological Observation Cycle (WHYCOS);
• Rehabilitate hydro-metrological stations;
• Capacities of WRUA’s will be built to collect records and monitor the data acquisition instrument.
• Groundwater Hydro-geological Mapping will be undertaken in the county for purposes of planning groundwater development.
• Policy and strategies for water harvesting for households and farm levels will be finalized
• Other project aimed at increasing water coverage includes protection of the spring water projects, drilling of boreholes in the County.
Institutions in the Water Sector established in accordance with Water Act 2002
Institutions |
Roles and Responsibilities |
Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) |
Development of legislation, policy formulation, sector coordination and guidance, and monitoring and evaluation |
Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) |
Planning, regulation and management of water resources and to contributing to policy formulation |
Catchment Area Advisory Committees (CAACs) |
Regional bodies set up at catchment level to advise WRMA on the management of water resources |
Water Resource Users Associations (WRUAs) |
Local bodies set up by water resource users to enable communities and water users to participate in water resource management |
Water Services Regulatory Board (WSRB) |
Regulate matters related to water services |
Water Service Boards (WSBs) |
Regional bodies responsible for regulation and planning of water and sewerage services |
Water Service Providers (WSPs) |
Local bodies set up for the provision of water and sewerage services under license from the WSBs |
Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF) |
Financing provision of water and sanitation to disadvantaged groups |
Water Appeal Board (WAB) |
Arbitration of water related disputes and conflicts |
National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) |
Construction of dams and drilling of boreholes |
Kenya Water Institute (KEWI) |
Training and Research |
National Irrigation Board (NIB) |
Development of Irrigation Infrastructure |